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All 15-year-old Maria knew was that she felt depressed and unmotivated. Hoping to bury her hurt, she retreated, withdrawing from activities with family and friends – or lashing out verbally in a struggle to communicate her seemingly inarticulate feelings. Her poor performance academically only added to her challenges.

And then her mother found WYS through word of mouth.

After eight months of treatment with a mental health professional from WYS, she learned to identify the triggers causing her depression and anger as well as coping skills to address these emotions. Maria says this newfound feeling of self-control is freeing. She reports an overall improvement in mood. As evidence, she no longer spends hours alone in her room. She re-engaged socially and is thriving academically, jumping up an entire grade in most subjects. With the tools she learned at WYS and her own determination, Maria is planning for her future after high school and beyond.

Our Success Stories

Western Youth Services works hard to protect the privacy of the children we help. As such, the names and images of our clients are changed where necessary.